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  • Bacheca

    No "Good-bye Gala", no big announcements.

    In harmony with her being a very private person, this singer who loved to sing but not to be a star, just says so long to her manager, to a few dear friends and relatives and to dear Maria, who has been Simonetta's nanny since the child was born. It was not easy.

    Even today, after so many years, it is not easy.

    Jula's passion for singing is still alive, her voice remains the same, there are still fans who ask for her. On her website there is a demand for her records and for new ones. But the singer wants to be consistent with her decision. She is happy that she still has followers, even among young people, but she has never regretted her decision.

    After a year in London, the Lanzis moved to Toronto, Canada. Jula had been there twice as a singer and had fallen in love with this vast city, this land of trees and lakes that makes you even love its sky scrapers and enjoy them, sorrounded as they are by trees. Jula's mother (her father passed away in 1969), her sister and her family moved to Toronto from London as well. Carlo's mother and his brother with his family remained in Rome and it was a very sad good-bye. But now that almost all of them have passed away, Toronto has really become home.

    In 2001, Paolo Limiti invited Jula to be a guest of honour on his popular TV program "Ci vediamo in TV". At first Jula said 'no', but Paolo is an old friend and he wanted to have Jula for two consecutive programs and talk about her life and her career. So, at last, Jula accepted, considering this only a visit and not a come-back.

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